Working together, for the benefit of patients
GP Referrals
GPs can choose to refer self paying patients, or those with medical insurance to the Royal Bucks. All our consultants work within fee levels accepted by UK insurers.
Whilst patients may look for a provider themselves, we appreciate they value your suggestions and you wish to propose the best option.
Your patient will be well cared for, at a hospital with a fine safety record and facilities. MRI, ultrasound, x-ray and endoscopy are in house, our consultant team is exceptional.
You are welcome to visit our hospital, or raise any questions by phone, or email. Working with the community and doctors offering support within this is important to us.
Referrals can be made by email, or a letter to The Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital, Buckingham Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire HP19 9AB. Ongoing communication with you will remain a priority.
Self Referrals
Privately insured, or self paying patients are both welcome at The Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital. You can choose to refer directly to a consultant of your choice, or call us to ask for advice.
All specialists are listed in our consultants section, offering a choice of over 60 highly skilled clinicians, who chose to work at our hospital.
They feel the ethos of the Royal Bucks and the modern facilities offered allow them to support their patients effectively.
In house provision of medical imaging is particularly useful for patients and their consultants. Our physiotherapy unit, or other therapists are there to provide ongoing support.
Each contribute to returning you to good health, as do comfortable surroundings and good communication. You are welcome to contact us to ask any questions you wish.

A hospital which gives the time you need
NHS Referrals
NHS e-Referrals for our group currently go through The New Foscote Hospital, where treatment includes:
General surgery
- Repair of femoral hernia
- Repair of inguinal hernia
- Repair of umbilical hernia
- Arthroscopy of the knee
- Trigger finger treatment
- Carpal tunnel release
- Dupuytren’s contracture surgery
- Ganglion removal
- Hand and wrist surgery
- Hip surgery
- Hip replacement
- Knee surgery
- Knee replacement
When logging into the NHS e-Referral website, NHS patients who have been referred for a relevant procedure can select The New Foscote Hospital for treatment.
Exclusions from our NHS e-Referral provision
Under our contract with the NHS we are, unfortunately, unable to accept the following patients for NHS e-Referrals::
- A patient with incapacitating disease which is a constant threat to life.
- A patient who has an unstable mental condition and is receiving psychiatric treatment.
- A patient who is grossly obese, with a Body Mass Index of greater than 40.
- Patients under 18-years-of-age for surgery.
Speak to our team today
Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.
Call us on
01296 678800
Email us