Rugby Spinal Injury

A collision ended a professional player’s career and far more, until his commitment brought a path to recovery.
Michael’s StoryLight Aircraft Crash

A careless pilot led to our patient’s business and social life being curtailed but he was determined to return to both.
Andrew’s StoryHit By a Falling Tree

A gust of wind brought a tree crashing down on a consultant surgeon, who wanted to get back to the career he loved.
Mohammed’s Story

Learning From Our Patients
Acceptance of what has taken place can be difficult, as is moving on from this to focus on the future. Our patients constantly teach us that the strength to do so is a wonderful asset for recovery.
Take a look at the cases above and you will see they are quite different people who chose to move forward, nor did they do so alone.
- Family and friends matter, to give support and share your vision.
- So does professional help, which looks beyond damage control.
- Advances in technology are a powerful aid and should be explored.
However many rehabilitation case studies you read, they will not be the same as your needs, or those of someone you care about. The core ethos of success will still be the same.
Speak to our team today
Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.
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01296 678800
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