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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group of hospitals

For Patients & Visitors

Information to make sure that all goes to plan and your visit meets your expectations.

nursing staff making bed
Senior nurses in discussion

Being Informed Matters

Keeping our patients and their visitors up to date about the care being provided is important. From details such as choice of meals, to forthcoming treatment, or surgery.

  • A consistent focus

    Ensuring consistency is a great way to make communication effective and to reduce stress. From the first moment you contact our hospital, to consultation and treatment.

  • From everyone you meet

    Empowering all our staff to communicate with and support patients creates a helpful atmosphere. Information is available when you need this, rather than having to wait.

  • Offering clarity

    None of us tend to understand vague statements, or each other’s scientific jargon. Clear information is of more value and the best way to share medical details with you.

Patient using Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital hydrotherapy pool

For Outpatients

From travelling to our hospital and parking, to procedure when you arrive. Whether this is for consultation, diagnostic tests, imaging, treatment, or day surgery.

Outpatient visits
nursing staff making bed

For Inpatients

From pre-operative assessment, to travelling to our hospital and parking. What to do when you arrive, documents to bring and the range of facilities available to you.

Staying with us
Wide view of Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital

For Visitors

Our liberal visiting hours and how to travel to the hospital. Along with the importance we place on visitors, who play a part in patient wellbeing and recovery.

Welcoming visitors

Speak to our team today

Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.

Call us on

01296 678800